Friday, May 3, 2013

My Injury!

Hi friends!  So today is Friday, and a beautiful and sunny day in Seattle.  My boss is so nice and said let's get out of work early and start the weekend.  Friday is usually a quiet day at the office. I was getting ready to leave work around 2, and gathered up my belongings, electronics, etc and somehow tripped and fell in the office!  I really hurt my ankle and was on the floor for a few minutes.  My boss had left about an hour before that.  So, I got up and couldn't walk very well, I was in a lot of pain.  I got everything in my vehicle and somehow made it home. Hubby was waiting and we were on our way to the ER   but it was super crowded and I certainly did not feel like waiting around.  My doctor is across the street from the hospital so I went there.  They took me right in.  After careful examination and an x-ray, it was determined that I have a very serious sprain.  She put me on medication and I have to stay off my feet for at least 5 days, keeping my foot elevated and iced.  If it doesn't feel better by Monday, she said she will do an MRI.  I guess I could have a ligament and tendon injury-so we'll see. 

So, it looks like my weekend projects will be taking a back seat, while I listen to  my doctor's orders!  When I do get up, this is what I'll be using to get around!  

Funny how things happen, this is what I said to a friend before my fall:  Good afternoon :) So far, so good. It's and - what could go wrong? LOL 

 Thanks so much for your warm, thoughtful and really nice tweets!!!  Concerned Picture 


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